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Previous Gujarat CM Shankersinh Vaghela hospitalized in the wake of testing positive for COVID-19

Previous Gujarat CM Shankersinh Vaghela hospitalized in the wake of testing positive for COVID-19 

Subsequent to being determined to have COVID-19 Saturday, previous Chief Minister of Gujarat Shankersinh Vaghela has been admitted to a private medical clinic in Ahmedabad for the treatment of the contamination, on Sunday morning. In the interim, Prime Minister Narendra Modi likewise called up Vaghela to enquire about his wellbeing. 

Vaghela's media partner Parthesh Patel stated, "He (Vaghela) was home isolated yesterday. Today, the specialist prompted hospitalization for better treatment. Also, as needs be, he has been admitted to emergency clinic today. Notwithstanding, there is nothing to stress over his wellbeing in any case. He has no morbidities like diabetes and so forth and is truly fit." Follow coronavirus LIVE UPDATES 

Before being hospitalized, Vaghela's group circled a video in which the previous Chief Minister said that he was fine, yet was being hospitalized for legitimate treatment as a safeguard as proposed by specialists. He additionally said that the PM had a word with him about his wellbeing toward the beginning of today. 

Vaghela had tried positive for COVID-19 Saturday after he whined fever for as long as barely any days.

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